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What Really Matters...

No doubt about it, work is a means to an end. However, it is how you define that end that really matters. For many years, I worked hard to get the next promotion, the big bonus, the next big raise, etc. That was the ultimate goal in my book. I started PRMS with the goal of building a successful company and making a comfortable living from it.  However, today I view the company as a means to a different end.

There are so many less fortunate people in this world, it would be a shame for me to not invest my time, energy, and yes, my money to helping others regardless of where they live, what language they speak or what color their skin is.  I now find it a privilege to be able to travel to other countries to assist those in need.  Some of the work we perform includes medical clinics, installation of water filtration systems and church building.  As we work with locals, we also share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is only through his love and sacrifice that I am what I am today.

I would encourage you to consider how blessed we as Americans truly are and set your personal sights on making a difference in some else's life.  I have selected e3 Partners  as an organization through which I can work.  For more information, you can contact me directly at 501-758-2482.

Greg Ellis
President & CEO
Precision Risk Management Systems, Inc.

Photos from Cayambe, Ecuador.  Our team worked in a village called Chaquibamba.

Here are a few photos from a 2013 trip to Pimampiro, Ecuador.  Pimampiro is situated in the Andes Mountains in northern Ecuador just south of the Columbian border.