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PRMS Risk Management System



The PRMS Risk Management System is a state-of-the-art risk management system that incorporates neural network-based modeling to provide lenders with a precise assessment of pipeline interest rate risk, best execution strategies, rate-shock sensitivity and current mark-to-market valuation of the lender's position. Select a topic below for more information.

Product Overview PDF         

Feature Summary LOS Integration
Prediction Model Reports
Trading Best Execution
Position Optimization Delivery Allocation

The PRMS Risk Management System is a comprehensive solution that offers these and other functions:

  • Detailed Position Reporting
  • Graphical Management Dashboard
  • Mark-to-Market
  • Gain/Loss Forecasting
  • Position Archival
  • Best Execution Analysis
  • Links to Pricing Systems
  • Rate Shock Sensitivity Analysis
  • Position Optimization Tool
  • Loan Allocation
  • "What-if" Position Analysis
  • Position Benchmarking
  • Automated Pair-off Processing
  • Delivery Optimization
  • Powerful Fallout Modeling
  • Production Profitability Analysis
  • Comprehensive Management Reports
  • Trend Analysis Reporting Module

System Integration

PRMS offers total flexibility with regards to interfacing with existing front-end systems. Users have the capability of importing the following data:

  • Fallout History
  • Yield History
  • Current Position
  • Buy-up/Buy-down Grids
  • Current Market Prices

Where applicable, PRMS allows the user to specify whether imports should overwrite existing data or append to the existing data. Additional import features allow the PRMS user to maintain accurate data tables, resulting in higher accuracy during the analysis phase.
Rather than attempt to account for all data fields that various mortgage bankers may wish to include in history, PRMS analyzes the user's import file and builds a custom database based on that import file. This provides exceptional flexibility for the user. Implementation is greatly simplified since there are no hard-coded exports to build within existing systems. Additionally, if the risk manager wants to change the data elements used for modeling, he only needs to change the front-end system's export file. The need for creating identical file definitions on multiple systems is eliminated.